The pharmaceutical industry, when setting the price of a medicine, must have on the table such important data as the cost of production, the cost of research, if there has been public research, how much the latter has contributed. Caballero sees it as essential "that there be a return to the National Health System." Read more: Here's why parents should never give over-the-counter cough and cold medications to children under 6 years old It will create a fund for research into new medicines. Two pharmacists in a medicine warehouse.
The ILP that was presented this Tuesday proposes the creation of an "independent fund" to try to subsidize research by health professionals. In this way, "research will be independent Sweden Mobile Number List of pharmaceutical companies." Caballero recalls that there are public health professionals who at certain times receive funding through scholarships or other types of remuneration from private entities that facilitate the publication of their research. "We also close it," he concluded, "so that they do not depend on the industry.
In addition, this fund would be managed by the Ministry of Health. Transparency will be vital in the new model for setting drug prices. A sale in a pharmacy. Today, drugs have their prices set after negotiations with the Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Damián Caballero emphasizes that this Popular Legislative Initiative wants to shed light and stenographers on all these issues. The social debate, the main objective. Syrup. The 19 associations have chosen the formula of an ILP - when they could, for example, have gone to a parliamentary group to encourage debate on the text directly - for a simple reason.