The news of Hubspot's creation of Facebook Grader has recently emerged . It is a web service that gives Facebook users a score calculated through a set of factors such as the number of friends, the power of their network of contacts (perhaps in terms of cohesion, but it is not clear), the completeness of the profile and others not specified (probably the number of posts and uploads). Take a look at Facebook's Most Influential Ranking . facebook-grader Beyond the tool which has a purely recreational purpose and indicates more than anything else the level of use of Facebook, it is interesting because it offers us an additional opportunity to reflect on how the concept of relevance/influence changes or will change in the time of Facebook.
The extreme popularity of this and other social Brazil Phone Number networks is primarily forcing those who build search engines to question themselves on the transition from relevance linked to the tool (blog/site) and references received (link) to that based on the person and characteristics of his network of contacts (not simply the number of friends). If there is a paradigm shift from "page rank" to "friends rank", it will impact the lives of all of us, who willingly or unwillingly build part of our knowledge on the use of search engines (of sites, of blogs, of products ). Facebook is in pole position , it remains to be seen whether this will produce more advantages than disadvantages for users.
Today we experienced not only a turning point in history, but also in the telling of history. CNN showed us how the telling of the story will change from now on thanks to two important initiatives: partnerships with Facebook and Microsoft Labs. fbconnect-obama1 The first allowed CNN Live to add people's comments to the audio/video streaming of the inauguration. In practice, through the implementation of Facebook Connect , Facebook members had the opportunity to tell the story , updating their "status" with thoughts and sensations, and at the same time "read" the story told by their network of contacts and by other members of the largest social network in the world .