Multitasking does not exist : our brain can only focus on one thing at a time. Everything else goes, at best, into the background. We have the illusion of being more productive , but the reality is that our brain takes longer to carry out the same functions, compared to when they are carried out one at a time, and consumes a lot of energy in this rapid change of focus and attention. The result is that we arrive at the end of the day mentally exhausted , without even understanding how it happened. The solution is simple: do one task at a time.
To practice, my advice is to read a book , paper or digital, it doesn't matter, as long as the phone has all notifications turned off or is in airplane mode (!), and read consecutively for at least 10 minutes . If you can't do it, it's one more symptom of the need to change pace, find the Denmark Phone Number moment to rest, for the sake of the work you do, even before your psychophysical well-being, which should always come first. As a good environmentalist, with the advent of computers first and then smartphones, from word processing programs to apps for taking notes on the move, I have long promoted a paperless personal and working environment.
Why consume pages and pages of precious paper – go to a truly poor country and see how rare and precious paper can be – when you can fulfill the same needs with a digital keyboard and screen? The notepads, given as gifts by customers or accumulated during events and conferences, have accumulated, gathering dust, together with pens of various origins, never purchased. Multitasking does not exist : our brain can only focus on one thing at a time. Everything else goes, at best, into the background. We have the illusion of being more productive , but the reality is that our brain takes longer to carry out the same functions, compared to when they are carried out one at a time, and consumes a lot of energy in this rapid change of focus and attention.