this more: How to Domain Verification on To set up and edit details, go to Manage Manage Edit Info Edit Info. Location: Enter the store address. Service area Service area If you have a service to deliver products or services to customers. Please select up to neighbourhoods, provinces or regions to specify service areas. Business Hours: Specify the business hours of the store. Step : Create a URL for your store so people can easily access and share it. You should create a name that is easy to remember and easy to type so that fans of the can easily contact us. Easy to share our information In this step, if you still can't think of a name.
You can skip and come back to the settings by pressing 'Create username' located under the profile image from the home of the . Steps for creating a sales Step : Create a button to make it easier for customers to Inbox. Steps for creating a sales , creating a Call to action button to make sending Canada Phone Number Data messages to stores easier Click ' Add a Button Add a Button'. Select 'Send Message' In this section, we can ask the customer an automatic question in the question box.
But if we still can't think of an automatic question that the customer can choose to ask, press the x button first and then we can ask the question later as well. Click 'Save' We now have a Send Message button. Customers who come to view products on our can press this button to send a message to the seller immediately. Step : Connect your store to manage it in the same place. For this, if your store also has an account, you can link your store's account to your store . The advantage is that we can create ads on s that appear on . Click 'Settings' Select Click on the