The whiteboard. November post update september we often write about changes that microsoft introduces in office applications for companies and home users. These are usually changes aimed at introducing new functions that make work easier or faster. Unfortunately it sometimes happens that the introduced changes spoil the experience of microsoft users and application developers are forced to withdraw them. Microsoft broke whiteboard nobody is perfect so mistakes happen like the recent update of the collaboration and planning board whiteboard.
The latest version of the application which appeared on windows computers and ios phones was intended to unify the interface between We systems by introducing a new look. This is part of a larger campaign to refresh the look of all office applications. Unfortunately for microsoft EL Salvador Mobile Number List whiteboard users did not appreciate the new look of the application. It turned out that apart from changing the appearance the ruler function disappeared from the application and the eraser did not work as it should. The new look also eliminated the animations for minimizing and maximizing the whiteboard window and significantly impacted application performance by slowing down the loading and operation of tools.
There was a post on reddit titled microsoft destroyed whiteboard showing the lack of animation and you can read more examples of broken features in its comments. Microsoft destroyed microsoft whiteboard. Slower at times to load no window animations when maximizingminimizingclosing windows. No more ruler functionality. It is somehow gone. Eraser erases the page as a whole not what is desired. From windows similar opinions were expressed by internet users on twitter youtube and official microsoft forums. the product manager of the whiteboard windows application decided to speak up. He wrote as we rolled out the new whiteboard for windows app we saw that you liked the new features but also wanted access to some of the older features.