The road is more likely to be re-formed. Although cognitive circuits are disrupted in people with autism, these circuits can evolve again during plasticity stages, so the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the treatment. Bion's Psychic Conflict Patricia Bolaños Wilfred Bion's work has provided us with original and complex developments that enrich our understanding of psychological functions. His work drew on the work of Freud and Klein; however, for Bion the psychic conflicts were different from those proposed by his teachers. Starting from libido theory and then from structural theory, Freud proposed that conflicts within the psyche revolve around differences between instances; that is, one part of the psyche seeks to satisfy a desire while another part opposes it . Melanie Klein, for her part, made poignant suggestions for the emotions and mechanisms of the object and inner world, unconscious phantasies, and paranoid-schizophrenic and depressive positions, situating psychic conflicts in the realm of the struggle between love and hate Objects and the difficulty of incorporating this emotional range into our bonds. Bion's work with groups allowed him to observe a function in which behavior was the result of automatic and imitative phenomena, in contrast to the symbolic abilities of individuals outside the group. This led to Bion becoming interested in thought disorders, which he believed differed in each person. Thought disorders exist all time, not just in severe illnesses such as schizophrenia. Bion is interested in understanding what it means to think, how we develop the ability to give meaning to our experiences, and in this way understand ourselves and others.
He discovered that this ability was not innate but had to develop through association with the object that originally gave it symbolic power, through which a process of recognition could occur that would allow the establishment of a function. Bion calls it Alpha, which allows for the symbols and meanings to be generated. However, he also recognized that the process of constructing the meaning of experience can be stopped and reversed, since such symbolic activity generates a great deal of suffering that is not always tolerable. Thus, the model of the psyche in Bion's work implies that the personality is divided into a psychological part characterized by symbolic elaboration, emotional experience, imagination and meaning, and another zone outside the symbolic function, consisting of the evacuation from which it seeks to escape Mechanism control. Emotional pain and denial of psychological reality. Bion's proposal emphasizes that the fundamental problem of the mind is not the elimination of pain, but the ability to understand it, communicate it, and thereby generate learning. This understanding is what we call K. This mental model is made up of the thinking and learning apparatus, and understands oneself in the most authentic way through the ability to learn from experience. The mental state in K requires certain characteristics: tolerance of mental pain and uncertainty, development of ideas and the ur Phone Database ge to seek truth. This is a very demanding state of mind that cannot be maintained permanently and we may fall into a -K mental state; the dominance of this state translates into a change in values, where superficiality, quantity, and direct contractual relationships are important , what is socially accepted, imitation, morality.
the values and desires we might associate with the K state of mind, in which intimacy, depth, interest, beauty, and emotional experience characterize psychological functioning. The mind is dynamic, sometimes K is dominant, sometimes we cannot bear the mental pain and resort to -K, which we can cognate with insanity also studied by Meltzer (1990). In the course "The Thought of Bion. His Theoretical and Clinical Contributions" we will review the developments proposed by the author and their impact on the way we understand psychological functions. Meltzer and the dreamy contemporary Sara Fascia Bion posit the following premise: To dream is to think. Meltzer followed this idea and produced valuable innovations in the current understanding of dreams. It places them within the realm of real-life experiences while considering emotions as their basis. These are things that precede the statement. The past is believed to exist in the unconscious, but not only as representations but as part of the personality. Freud believed that dreams elaborated on something that previously existed in the mind and that dreams were a way of hiding the truth to evade scrutiny. Bion agreed with the idea that thoughts are related to dreams, but disagreed with the meaning Freud assigned to it, since he believed that nascent thoughts were given form in dreams. New meanings are created (Meltzer, 1978). It understands sleep as a creative process in which emotional experiences are thought about in ways similar to the emotional arousal felt when watching a movie, reading a book, or thinking about a work of art. By understanding the script of a dream, you can understand the emotional experience it brings about.