At the time. Unfortunately, Nokia's winning streak didn't last long. Ultimately, Nokia's proud operating system; Symbian, disappeared from circulation. Why? When Android, Blackberry, and iOS started to enter the mobile operating system market, Nokia considered "them" to be a thing of the past. Nokia was reluctant to adapt. In fact, Nokia's operating system; Symbian, very unintuitive. Observers believe that Nokia is reluctant to innovate because they think the market is too "comfortable" with them.
It didn't take long for Nokia's 40% market share to be completely eaten up by its competitors, leaving only less than 10% market share. A little late, there will be many competitors who are ready to go faster. The keywords in the example above are canada number phone and adapting to market conditions. Now, business is something that is easy to imitate. It's like if today you make the only product on the market, and it proves to be selling well, maybe tomorrow or the day after that, there will be people selling the same product.
This case can be a reflection that being number 1 is not as difficult as maintaining number 1. b. Going out of business (bankruptcy) This is the most dangerous. Although rare, they do exist. In the case of Nokia, the company did not necessarily go out of business. It's just that now the name "Nokia" will be difficult to catch up with past glories. In fact, some say something like this, "Nokia will rise one day, but it will not achieve the same glory twice.