Now cheers! You can check the functionality of the site An NS-server (name server) is a server that stores all information about the domain, which is required for the correct functioning of the site: about the domain name, postal records and domains. Conclusion Transferring the site, from a technical point of view, is not a difficult process. If all the rules and stages of migration are followed, the probability that something will go wrong is extremely small.
You can make a mistake here at two stages: database mexico numbers search export / import; replacing the contents of configuration files. Otherwise, all steps are easy to understand and perform. yourself before, we recommend that you first perform the procedure on a test subdomain to make sure you have mastered the material. Save the article in the bookmarks of your browser so as not to lose the always up-to-date website migration algorithm to a new hosting.

If the text version is not very clear, you can see the website transfer procedure here Reasons for the drop in organic traffic on the site In his work, every SEO specialist is regularly faced with studying the dynamics of traffic changes on the site. It doesn't matter if it is growing or falling, the task of an SEO specialist is to find out why the traffic on the site has changed. Without this knowledge, in the future, there will be no clear understanding: which changes on the site give results, and which can only lead to a drop in the number of sessions from search engines.