Comparing yourself to others you may recognize. Don't go around comparing yourself to others but have you checked out recently or have you read a lifestyle magazine Driving around a wealthier neighborhood just to daydream about the view of that huge mansion is like negative self talk Comparing yourself to others trains your brain to think you are defective in some way. a big part of this. It has measurable effects on our brains. As this writer found in a series of tests for oxytocin, our interactions on social media are processed in the brain just like face-to-face connections and produce similar levels of oxytocin.
Social media is fine when we use it to hang out with friends but because so much of what we see is an edited, idealized version of people’s lives it can be exhausting. It also creates a frenzy in our minds that takes our attention away from. It can be exhausting to Philippines WhatsApp Number List move from one grapevine to another. That's why taking a few minutes to brush before bed can make it harder for you to fall asleep, while spending that time reading can soothe your brain so you can doze off. Remember to unplug this winter and practice feeling satisfied and grateful for your life. Consuming Fear Don’t get me wrong I love a good Stephen King novel or horror story.
Especially around Halloween it can be fun to make yourself shiver. But I’m not talking about fun thrills. I'm talking about eliminating the vast amount of fear that society puts before us. Fear of strangers Fear of other parties Fear of risk Fear of immigrants Fear of following your dreams Fear of terrorists. You know that aunt who always emails you horror stories about kidnapped tourists before you go on vacation? She's trying to scare you. News programs exploit fear to keep you. Stay tuned to see what happens next when a surprisingly deadly spice could kill three people in Yakima County. Do you have it in your cupboard? Stay tuned to find out.