Even less so when you know that a simple text message would have been enough to prevent it. You can also manage SMS notifications by integrating and automating the sending of SMS into your software thanks to our SMS Gateway , which is very easy to install! Your customers will be pleasantly surprised to receive a text message from you. SMS notification is undoubtedly an asset when it comes to customer loyalty, so don't neglect it when you are starting your startup.
SMS marketing It is the one that allows you to Egypt Phone Number List promote an event, and above all to spread certain offers or promotions. Sending bulk SMS allows you to reach all your recipients with a clear, simple message that, above all, will reach everyone. Text messages are a fantastic way to increase awareness of your brand. And inside your text message you can also insert a link to your website or Facebook page at no additional cost! Several startups have already trusted us, such as Gizmo, which revolutionized the real estate sector by creating a sales support solution with virtual reality visits to homes before they are even built! We also work with the urban carpooling application Wever, which protects its users' registration by sending a secure password via SMS.

How to get phone numbers of potential customers Are you just starting out and want to reach as many people as possible? To create your SMS campaigns for startups, it is advisable to have the telephone numbers of some potential customers available. So why, for example, not include on your website a countdown to the launch of your project and ask users to leave you a phone number? This way you can reach your first fans as soon as the project starts. And why not start building a good relationship with them right away by sending them a welcome SMS ? Once your startup has taken off, it is precisely these customers that you can direct VIP offers or special invitations to.