The exclusion of consumers seems criticizable to me, as I explained here , especially if we take into account that the current financial crisis has been a private debt crisis that has focused on consumer over-indebtedness. A second chance scheme for consumers is a powerful instrument to deter irresponsible lending. Creditors with enforcement limits are more careful in assessing risk, as noted by the World Bank . Well, it seems that growth is only guaranteed if the consumer becomes over-indebted, especially if we take into account that the increase in GDP is not transferred to salaries. Low wages generate demand for credit that must flow for the economy to continue growing. A powerful second chance regime for consumers is the EU's real “hot potato.
They have not dared and limit themselves to recommending and referring to a subsequent study the need to present regulations that affect the insolvent consumer. I have no doubt that consumer over-indebtedness is public policy in m Latvia WhatsApp Number List any States and, of course, also in the EU. For the economy to grow, the consumer must be over-indebted... and a powerful second chance regime that causes the loss of creditors' rights undoubtedly deters the granting of loans. The result is that the rule only refers to insolvent businessmen. Let's hope that Spain continues on the right path of not distinguishing between businessmen and consumers and the recipient of the reform is the natural person. There is no distinction between business liabilities and domestic liabilities . The businessman can exonerate all outstanding debt and not just the business
The reasonable thing is that if you want to protect the businessman, it is only the business debt that deserves exoneration. Allowing the businessman to exempt himself from domestic liabilities alters the coherence of the system and negatively discriminates against consumers without justification. The consumer is not allowed to exonerate business debt (think of a spouse who has guaranteed the debt of his or her business spouse) and the businessman is allowed to exonerate domestic debt. This is nonsense and therefore Spanish law should maintain the natural person as the recipient of the regulation. Exemption model: direct or payment plan. . The DSOp does not adhere to a specific debt relief model. It gives freedom to Member States to choose the model they consider appropriate. A direct exoneration without a payment plan or an exoneration with a payment plan would fit within the DSop margin .