All images used for blog cover. Order is key; you can use subfolders. For example, if a post has many images, use blog-imgs/article-name. Avoid creating too many folders to keep it simple. It is very important that the name should not contain spaces or accents. You can find these resources in free or paid image libraries. For icons you can use Flaticon.
Create a Website Style Kazakhstan Phone Number List Guide and while it may seem basic, it actually saves a lot of design work. So even if you already want to start designing, start by developing a website style guide. The style guide mainly includes the following points: Color: primary color, secondary color, auxiliary color, contrasting color, etc.

Layout: type, size, style, etc. Buttons: primary, secondary, size, shape, etc. Form: shape, color, type, etc. A style guide is often similar to an identity manual. Doing this will make the design easier and create harmony among all the elements in every part of the website. Step 1: Start with the Home Page In most cases, the home page of a website is responsible for making the first impression.