Hapoalim Tefahot Discount and Benleumi, and that the grading will not be limited to banks, but will extend to every sector that receives support from the state, such as the electricity company. To find out the dimensions of this reduction and what it means, Al-Sanara met with lecturer and economic expert, Iyad Sheikh Ahmed, who said that “the state obtains loans to finance the budget, especially the development budget.” When all economic credit is high, this means that the state can obtain loans at low bank interest.
The effect of reducing the economic downgrading of the State of Israel means that Israel will pay more bank interest on the loans it obtains, and as we know, the deficit has Turkey WhatsApp Number Data increased in the State of Israel to more than 6%, which means that the state can obtain more loans, and paying interest from an increase in the interest rate means a larger portion. From the state budget, it will be allocated to cover bank interest, meaning less money in the state treasury than the regular budget.

The citizen will bear the consequences of the banks' economic reduction He added: “In the long run, this will have an impact on foreign investments in the State of Israel, and we know that investments are fundamentally necessary for the high-tech branch, the main engine of economic growth in the State of Israel. This will have an impact on the economic facilities in the state, and this indirectly means that every citizen Some of us will pay for this tax because the bank interest will be deducted from the state’s regular budget.