Beyond digital transformation? 1 September 2022 | Editorial Share: post-modernity, the digital revolution has no end , the secret of its eternal youth, or rather its " blessing ", as Gabriele Balbi recalls, lies precisely in " instability and the ability to renew itself ".
Definitions, dates and even names of the digital revolution are uncertain or, better yet, adaptable and flexible. The digital revolution is chameleonic , it knows how to adapt to the uses and fashions of the moment and adopt new temporalities and brands (but Turkey Phone Numbers 32 Million List ultimately always the same). Nomos of digital in the company Continuing with Balbi, "the digital revolution (and to a specific extent for companies: the transformation - Editor's note) is a sort of secular religion that requires trust in the future and optimism, and this optimism must be militant: in other words, it must contribute to spread the word of the revolution.
” For Italian companies, understanding this flow in depth and trying to ride it is not a choice. Obvious statements? I would say no. It is a world made up of multitudes of SMEs that are almost always lazy and weak. An immense expanse of curved backs over which a destructive steamroller can march.