The stability climate of peace and freedom its progressive policies oil bonanza its international policy Prez his friendship with Brandt his desire to join the Socialist International the large number of exiles in Venezuela the FES office the headquarters of the ideal place for one of the fundamental steps of the globalization of the Socialist International the Caracas Conference. We already saw its importance before through Brandt himself. Following the deliberations speeches and resolutions of the event is amazing. If the event faded until it was almost erased from the memory of Venezuelans this can only be explained by the dimension of the other things that involved it the nationalization of oil for example or the NorthSouth Conference in Paris.
But in any other Third World country it would Ecuador Phone Number become a historical milestone. The list of participants is impressive in addition to Brandt and the hosts Prez and Betancourt none other than Bruno Kreisky Luis Alberto Monge scar Arias Rodrigo Borja Felipe Gonzlez Bettino Craxi Mrio Soares Jos Francisco Pea Gmez and even the legendary Vctor Ral Haya de la Torre. The list is much longer but lets stop at Haya de La Torre even he who was the first to attempt a kind of regional international the American Popular.
Revolutionary Alliance APRA the one who did not let himself be convinced by the Comintern or Going to the Soviet Union in the 1920s when it was not so easy not to get excited about communism now I accepted communion with the International what to expect from the rest New Society will be generous covering the event. In its number 24 from MayJune 1976 he published the resolutions of the congress the words of Carlos Andrs Prez those of Thompson Dudley and took advantage of Felipe Gonzlezs stay in Caracas to do a long interview with him.29. The texts are enough.