As Albert Solino, within the scope of Employee Satisfaction and Employer Brand Consultancy, we find solutions to the most basic problems of companies focused on how to become an employer brand, what systems need to be established and how to ensure employee satisfaction. Inability to Manage a Team & Lack of Delegation In the article we discussed as the most basic problems of companies and their solutions, another common question of companies is "How to establish and manage a team in businesses?" appears as.
During the field inspection phase, companies apply to Vanuatu Email List Albert Solino Consultancy with the following problems focusing on "Inability to Manage Teams & Lack of Delegation" ; We are focused on the person, and that's why everything goes wrong after even one person leaves. The answer to the question is hidden in institutionalization. At this point the treatment will be Institutionalization Counselling . As Albert Solino, within the scope of Institutionalization Consultancy, we design, construct and implement systems, workflows and organization on how to ensure the sustainability of the company without depending on the individual.
If I have time to do a job that is not my duty, I get into that job and it's up to me. This is a phrase we often hear from well-intentioned and hard-working employees. The branch of the tree that produces apples is put even more pressure on the branch and the branch is torn off, meaning that the employee is lost. At this point, the treatment will be Bonus, Reward and Suggestion System Consultancy . Current Problems of Businesses: "I Can't Fulfill My Own Duties Due to Dealing with drudgery." What is meant here is that while the work that needs to be done is being done, the work that does not create value falls on the employee and the employee cannot do his own job, that is, his job that creates value.