Republic , Marcus Vinicius Furtado Coêlho , former president of the Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association, highlights that the jurist is directly responsible for writing the first republican constitution, that of 1891, and for the building of democratic institutions. "He was a pioneer in defending the competence of the STF as guardian of the Constitution, by preaching judicial control against abusive acts of power and by the prevalence of legality and equality as guidelines to be followed", he says. According to Furtado Coêlho, Barbosa "has valid and current teachings, such as the belief in the strength of the law, in the defense of just causes even if unpopular, in respect for due legal process and in the pride of practicing law as the foundation of a Rule of Law" . Work as a lawyer Rui Barbosa had great worldwide recognition and was considered by Época magazine to be the "greatest Brazilian in history".
However, it was far from unanimous and was considered by many "pretentious, irritating, too violent towards opponents", say STF minister Luís Roberto Barroso , professor of Constitutional Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, and his daughter , a doctoral student in Constitutional Law at the University of São Paulo Luna van Brussel Barroso . They are authors of the article Rui Barbosa: the man, the politician a Panama Telemarketing Data nd the jurist . reproduction Rui Barbosa was the author of important theses for Brazilian Law Reproduction Born in Salvador, Barbosa entered the Faculty of Law of Recife in 1866. After almost failing with a low grade, he transferred to the Faculty of Law of São Paulo. There, he became enchanted by Law and Journalism. After graduating, he returned to Salvador and started practicing law. But it was only when he moved to Rio de Janeiro, in 1878, that he "achieved national prominence that led him to be recognized as one of the greatest Brazilian jurists", point out the Barrosos.

This professional rise in the then federal capital was due to some main reasons, constitutionalists cite. "Firstly, Rui had been the author of the draft Constitution presented by the provisional government, which ended up resulting in the Constitution of 1891. Secondly, the Constitution of 1891 had strengthened the Judiciary, giving it broad powers. With the beginning tumultuous period of the Republic, a series of new legal problems arose that Rui, as one of the creators of the Constitution, was better prepared to respond to. Thirdly, in 1891, in the positions of deputy head of the provisional government, minister of Finance and minister interim Justice, had a monumental legislative production, which addressed topics ranging from real estate advertising and circulation of titles relating to territorial domain, to decrees of separation between Church and State, the regulation of corporations and the mortgage regime. Rui was, Furthermore, one of the precursors of income tax, producing a notable study on the subject.