Physical CharacteristicsCats have a distinctive and flexible body structure that allows for agility and balance. Adult cats typically weigh between 5 to 20 pounds and measure about 9 to 10 inches in height at the shoulder. They have sharp, retractable claws, which they use for hunting and climbing. , thanks to their large, forward-facing eyes that can detect movement in low light. Their hearing is also highly developed, capable of detecting a broad range of frequencies, including ultrasonic sounds.
Fur and ColorsThe fur of domestic cats comes in a variety of colors and patterns due to genetic diversity. Common fur colors include black, white, orange, gray, and B TO C Database brown. Patterns include solid, tabby (striped), tortoiseshell, and calico. The variation in fur patterns and colors is not only aesthetically pleasing but also serves various biological functions, such as camouflage in the wild.
Behavior and DietCats are known for their grooming behavior, which helps them maintain cleanliness and regulate body temperature. As obligate carnivores, their diet is primarily meat-based. In the wild, cats hunt small animals like birds, rodents, and insects. Domesticated cats usually eat commercial cat food that provides the necessary nutrients for their health.