There is no doubt that the B2B marketing and sales environment is something very special and requires a unique approach. Work environments are fluid, organizational charts are increasingly flat, and responsibilities are increasingly distributed. As such, the landscape of today's salespeople bears little resemblance to that described by Arthur Miller in 'Death of a Salesman' or by David Mamet in 'Glengarry Glen Ross' and faces the following challenges :
Large purchases and deals are not closed with a phone number list single decision-maker . It is impossible to sell a high-value service or product with only one person on the other side.
People involved in B2B purchasing have an increasingly diverse profile .

Each additional person who joins the purchasing process brings a different catalog of concerns, priorities and opinions .B2B buyers have a responsibility to make the right decision when purchasing a product or service on behalf of their companies. They have a lot at stake and high expectations. Let's break down four tactics that can help you understand the game.