Steve jobs iphone the keynote. There was the ability to stick in people's minds with presentations that we have all copied today. But at the time they seemed to have come from another planet. And then there was that and one more thing which seemed to introduce a small detail. But it hid the most important element of the entire stage performance. This is knowledge of theatrical languages this is narration of the myth. Pancreatic cancer. This is how steve jobs died. The creator of the mac apple and the iphone has passed away due to an illness that leaves no escape. Steve died on october at just years old due to worsening health conditions.
His however was not a very dangerous tumor. The Best budget GPS tracker price in Bangladesh customer first of all this is the fundamental crux of apple's entire strategy. Of course at the base there is a quality product. But what does this mean? Maximum satisfaction. A satisfaction that is also found in customer service the assistance is the best in the world and you know that the customer is always at the center of the work carried out by apple. The moment the person who purchased the product stops being simply an individual who shells out money but a member of your tribe you have hit the mark. And you can start looking towards a successful strategy. If the customer becomes an ambassador spokesperson for your brand you have taken a step towards success.
But to achieve this goal you have to go beyond selling. Focus on the experience many people still believe that steve jobs sold everyone a quality product . Of course he did. . But it's not the real revolution this isn't where you make the history of promotion. The turning point lies in the fact that with the various apple products we have tools that have profoundly changed the perspective. You are not buying a computer to work more you have a different way of thinking. Find an opposition that is an enemy something that acts as a counterpart to your idea.