What is the transition from interruption to permission marketing ? What is the dividing line? Gaining visibility and attracting customers is an arduous journey for a brand. From the beginning of setting up its marketing strategy, a brand needs to understand what goals to achieve and how it intends to build its content marketing . Vision and mission are certainly not enough to differentiate yourself from the competition. Above all, what type of approach does the brand want to create with the public? The friendly and confidential one or the hustler who wants to sell something at all costs? The definition of public throughout history The way of marketing over time has followed different logics, dictated by the communication tools available, the interests of the public and the relationship with the definition of the public itself.
The term “public” was initially used as the opposite of “private” . Over time the connotation of public has contrasted with that of multitude and mass . The first, understood as a group of people united by emotional contagion, compared to the second, characterized by heterogeneity and absence of organization. All these meanings of the public have changed over the years. The advent of modern mass media such as radio and then TV led to a simpler catalyzation of public attention . From the public, understood as an audience that can be influenced and easy to manipulate, we move on to the public as a group of people capable of directing the impact of the media according to Katz and Lazarsfeld. The arrival of Seth Godin Europe Cell Phone Number List and the transition from interruption to permission marketing Precisely this distinction is identified in the marketing field in the use of different strategies: first interruption and then permission . At first, in accordance with what was explained above, it is believed that it is simple to interrupt a program with an advertisement.
After all, the target audience is considered a passive user, easy to manipulate because they are willing to listen. Only in the 1990s was this approach considered no longer valid. It was, in fact, Seth Godin who theorized and provided an alternative to interruption marketing . The term itself indicates the intention to "interrupt" something that is happening to draw attention to something else. Imagine being in the car and listening to your favorite playlist when the listening is interrupted by an advertising jingle every 30 minutes. The repetition of this event can generate annoyance in us because we consider it invasive. So the solution? It is the transition from interruption marketing to permission marketing .