It remains pending, therefore, to know what their position will be to address Podemos's claims. Regarding the position of Goirigolzarri's entity, the bank does not expect that a coalition government could affect the share price . "Both the current PSOE government and the previous PP government have been exquisite in respecting the independence of the Board of Directors in the management of Bankia and have maintained their commitment to privatize the entity when market conditions are favorable," indicated the bank. The Austrian backpack The economic vice president, Nadia Calviño The economic vice president, Nadia Calviño During the electoral campaign for these last elections, Unidas Podemos focused a large part of its attacks against the socialists on account of a labor measure: the Austrian backpack. This heading does not appear explicitly in the PSOE program for 10-N, although it is one of the favorite measures of the current Minister of Economy and possible economic vice president of the new Government, Nadia Calviño . The economist, from the most liberal wing of the PSOE, included the backpack in the National Reform Plan that the Executive sent to Brussels in April.
Although it is not developed, the model is very simple : part of each worker's salary is seized in a capitalization fund and, when they are fired or retire, they access it to face the loss of salary. Podemos sees this as unacceptable and opposes charging the costs of dismissal to workers . The ecological transition Teresa Ribera The current Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera , is one of those who could lose her position in pursuit of a minister from Unidas Podemos . In terms of energy, one of Pablo Iglesias' star proposals is to create a public energy company "to carry out Middle East Phone Number List the ecological transition, fight climate change and lower the electricity bill." This entity, managed by the Government, would assume the operation of the hydroelectric plants when their concessions expire. The possible creation of a public company does not appear in the PSOE plans. The socialist program does agree to bet decisively on renewable energies, although without specifying them. Read more: Why the decarbonization of the economy is important, according to the Minister for the Ecological Transition Pablo Iglesias is much more ambitious.
It proposes that renewables account for 100% of primary energy production in 2040 and predicts "targets for closing coal plants before the end of 2025 (guaranteeing the use of national coal) and nuclear plants before the end of 2024" . And, to guarantee that workers do not lose their jobs: that "two jobs be created in advance for each one that is lost." "By mobilizing 2.5% of GDP annually from public and private capital, we could reduce our CO2 emissions by half in a decade and by 90% by 2040, and we would create 600,000 net jobs throughout the process," the report states. purple formation document. In addition, the plan would allow " to rehabilitate at least 500,000 homes per year to promote energy efficiency and reduce the electricity bill." The tax reform The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and the Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo The Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and the Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo PSOE and Unidas Podemos recognize that fiscal reform and regional and local financing are necessary .